Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Vi's Famous Hamburger Gravy

Everyone who knew my mother, requested her to make her Famous Hamburger Gravy at one time or another. My mother made everything taste good! However, there were a few recipes that became "legend". For instance, her hamburger gravy, her chicken and dumplins, her potato salad, her turkey and dressing and the recipe that "everyone" wants (and I have) tee hee..... her much coveted...."Beef Stew ! The hamburger gravy was another recipe where the sausage was substituted with hamburger meat due to the depression. And....as the depression grew worse and times became even harder, that's when they did away with meat all together and we got....country gravy and pepper gravy. If you haven't figured out yet.....I LOVE history!
Grandma Sabol said things were different during the depression and during the time she was raising 10 children on her own. She said you had to have a different outlook on material things....a mind set of "Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without." This was the way of life for my mother and her family while growing up. I might add that I think we all could learn from that out look. I don't know about you....but I am quite spoiled. But I can also say that  the memories that are being brought back while writing this blog....well, they're challenging me in many ways, and making me realize that we are all just one "tragedy" away from being destitute.

Father, we desire to be a grateful people.  We want to be mindful of our blessings and express thanksgiving regularly for that which we do not deserve but receive.
"All we have needed Your hand has provided; great is Your faithfulness, Lord, unto me!" In the name of Jesus we give You praise. Amen.

"All we have needed Your hand has provided; great is Your faithfulness, Lord, unto me!"
Grandma Sabol and her children knew what this meant.....and I'm sure that is why this hymn was one of Grandma and my mothers favorites. ("Amazing Grace" was their very favorite but I'm pretty sure grandma said "Great is thy faithfulness" was next) 
When you hear someone say, "God is so good.".......Remember......"God is soooooo GOOD!"

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  • 2 pounds lean ground beef
  • 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 quart milk
  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. Place hamburger in a large, deep skillet. Crumble and cook over medium high heat until evenly brown. Remove from heat and sprinkle flour over cooked hamburger. Stir until evenly coated and all fat is absorbed.
  2. Place skillet over medium heat, add 1/2 of milk and stir until gravy begins to thicken. Add remaining milk until desired consistency has been reached and gravy comes to a boil. Season with salt and pepper.
  3. Serve over toast or biscuits.

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