Sunday, January 23, 2011

House Camping!

I'm sure I'm not the only one out there who has went house camping? When I was young, we didn't have children's play tents. We had sheets and chairs. I would use 4 chairs...two on one side and two on the other....drape the sheet over them...fold back the sheet to create a door and.... Vwa-la...... a tent!
Now-a-days kids have it made. They even have choices...Cinderella tent, Snow White tent, Spiderman tent....ect. Since my grandsons like the "Cars" movie, I got them a Lightning McQueen tent a couple years ago. And since it was cold this weekend when Cash and Silas came over, I asked them if they would like to go camping. Cash is use to Nana's "Winter Time Camping Trips" so he moved the ottoman and made room for the tent. He was jumping up and down singing..."we're gonna go camping....we're gonna go camping".  He bent down toward Silas, smiling, and said, "Brother...we're gonna go campin with Nana! Wanna go?" Silas shook his head so fast, he looked like a bobble head on a dash board. Cash got the tent, I set it up and Cash told me I needed to make a list of camping supplies we would need.... (he's a very bright and meticulous child) The list included;

and Sticks

We made a pretend fire out of the bag that the tent poles go in and we used spoons for the "sticks" to roast marshmallows. As you can see in the pictures.... we had a blast!

Double click on pictures to enlarge

O.K. O.K....I promise to have a recipe tomorrow.
Anyway, I didn't have time to cook this weekend....I went camping!

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